Missing Mustang Sally

We adopted Sally in February 2007 when she was about a year old. She came to live with us, along with Hanna (who was pregnant) and Jennet Reno (a burro), all adopted through the Bureau of Land Management’s Adopt a Mustang program. Sally was beautiful. She was a lineback dun with tiger stripes on her legs, very primitive markings. None of our other horses have those markings. She had deep brown eyes and a white star. Her mane and tail were long and luxurious -- often to her disadvantage because she'd have twigs and mud embedded in all that long hair, and if we didn't groom her often, she'd end up with the next best thing to dreadlocks. We named her “Mustang Sally” because she’d been born at a holding facility near Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, and it seemed like a good name for an Okie. So, in essence, she’s always lived in captivity, except with us, and after some varied efforts to gentle her to ride, she was pretty much free to do as she pleased. That meant that she had about ...