Electra Afternoon - For Him

Originally uploaded by poppy smiles.
© B A Saunders

The Buick swims into the driveway,
its fins glistening in the sun
sinking behind the house across the street.
His two tries for a son
rush, flutter out to his feet,
their mutual end: to be first.

Pick me up,
spin me around till I get
real dizzy.
Me first, dad,
spin me around.

I remember being dizzy,
the warm breath of an expiring afternoon
around my neck and shoulders
in the whirl.

In the fading light of an older sun
you spin with me,
warm breath bathing my face
in an August afternoon;
spin me around till I'm dizzy;
and when the sun finally sets
I comb my hair with my fingers.
No one spins the way you do.


Anonymous said…
As you probably remember from our lectures in foundations...i'm not much for poetry. But I read this and I absoloutely LOVED it. You are a talented lady (I always knew), and somebody who infuenced my life and perspectives more than you will ever know. Good luck..embarking on your fairy tale. I beleive they still exist too :)
Fondly, Sarah Barker.

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