How My Stepmom Came to Live with Us

#21 Monday, Monday -- The Mamas and Papas 1966 The past several entries have been so emotional that I thought I’d pull back a bit and tell a story about my dad and stepmom, Tudy, and why this song reminds me of them. First, some background – My dad and mom were divorced when I was in grade seven, about 1963-1964. My dad had custody, which was unusual at that time. But that’s a story for another day. About that same time, he started his own business with three partners. He was on the road all the time and had little time for a social life. He made a few attempts. The first we knew about involved an “exotic dancer” from a club in Clear Lake. Maybe I shouldn’t bring it up because years later, he was embarrassed about it, and Tudy hated it when we brought it up. But the dancer --Lois, I think her name was -- was nice. Anyway, after a few years, he started dating Tudy. (Her real name is Edna, but she had a twin, Edward, and growing up, they were called Tudy and Buddy, and it stuck.)...