50 Stupid Things Drumpf Has Said

These are taken from various sources and cover (roughly) his term in office, although one or two may include the campaign for the 2016 election. I had to stop at 50. I have a life, after all.

  1. Bleach, taken internally, will kill coronavirus.
  2. A light inside the body will kill coronavirus.
  3. Hydroxychloroquine is a good therapeutic treatment for Covid-19.
  4. Heat and humidity will help fight the coronavirus.
  5. The sound of wind turbines gives you cancer.
  6. We could nuke hurricanes.
  7. We should buy Greenland.
  8. Puerto Rico is a separate country from the U.S.
  9. He said he met the president of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
  10. Mexico will pay for the wall.
  11. “The buck stops with everybody.”
  12. "How about the word 'caravan?' Caravan? I think that was one of mine."
  13.  Says he also invented the financial phrase, “prime the pump.”
  14. Wind power won’t work because the wind blows only some of the time.
  15.  Wind turbines kill “millions of birds.”
  16. "Nobody's ever been treated badly like me."
  17. "We will be ending the AIDS epidemic shortly in America and curing childhood cancer very shortly."
  18. "I guess you would start off by saying, 'England.' Right? You know, I ask Boris (Johnson), 'Where's England? What's happening with England?' They don't use it too much anymore."
  19. "Under the normal rules, I'll be out in 2024 so we may have to go for an extra term."
  20. He might cancel the 2020 election.
  21. “I know more about wedges than any human being that’s lived.”
  22. “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
  23.  F35 jets are invisible.
  24. The Revolutionary Army took over the airports in the 1700s.
  25.  Clean coal comes from cleaning it, then putting it back.
  26. Obama’s birth certificate was a fraud.
  27.  John McCain wasn’t a war hero because he was captured.
  28.  His inaugural crowd was larger than Obama’s.
  29.  “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.”
  30.  “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”
  31.  On breastfeeding mothers: “You are disgusting,”
  32.  “Despite the negative press covefe.”
  33. “We’re building a wall in Colorado. We’re building a beautiful wall. A big one that really works, that you can’t get over, that you can’t get under.”
  34. “Remember, new ‘environmentally friendly’ lightbulbs can cause cancer.”
  35.  After arriving in Israel from Saudi Arabia, Trump told his hosts, “We just got back from the Middle East.”
  36.  Frederick Douglass, who died in 1895, was “an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.”
  37.  Andrew Jackson, who died 16 years before the Civil War, “was really angry that he saw what was happening in regard to the Civil War.”
  38.  Sharks are “disgusting creatures.”
  39.  You have to have voter ID to buy cereal.
  40.  Exercise uses up your body’s finite energy.
  41.  Young people pay $12/year for health insurance.
  42.  The World Trade Center wouldn’t have burned down if they’d used asbestos.
  43.  You have to flush toilets 10, 15 times.
  44.  Sleeping is bad.
  45.  Vaccines cause autism.
  46.  Shaking hands is “barbaric” and a “curse of American society.”
  47.  Thousands and thousands of parents asked him to repatriate their sons’ remains from the Korean War (1950-53).
  48.  “Who knew healthcare was so complicated?“
  49.  “I’m a very stable genius.”
  50.  Why does America takes so many immigrants from “shit hole” countries and not countries like Norway?


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