A Switch to Favorite Tunes
The ten-day challenge (which turned into 20 days) to list/comment on books from my childhood was so much fun that I’m going to try another challenge. I could probably dredge up 10 more books, but maybe that was getting boring. Then I was thinking, you know how you hear an old song and all the memories from the times you first enjoyed that song come rushing back? Sometimes even scenes, smells, other memories come rushing back. At least that’s true for me. So, I’m going to give you ten songs from my past that are those kinds of songs. Some of you may be too young to really enjoy this, but it might start a trip down memory lane for all you old farts out there. Anyone who wants to start their own musings or comment on mine is welcome! So here they are, in random order. #1 Hey Little Cobra – The Rip Chords This single was released in 1963 on Columbia records, produced by Terry Melcher (best known for producing the Byrds’ “Hey Mr. Tambourine” Man and “Turn! Turn! Turn!”) and ...